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Canadian Railroads > Forty Or More Years Ago - CP 5959

Date: 07/20/22 08:20
Forty Or More Years Ago - CP 5959
Author: refarkas

(Doug Boyd photo) CP 5959 is in Toronto, Ontario on July 9, 1982.

Date: 07/21/22 19:24
Re: Forty Or More Years Ago - CP 5959
Author: krm152

Those were good times.  Thanks for your nice roster photo posting.

Date: 07/22/22 09:21
Re: Forty Or More Years Ago - CP 5959
Author: feclark

Is that a flat car adapted for carrying traction motors in the background? I can't quite read the lettering.

Date: 07/22/22 09:51
Re: Forty Or More Years Ago - CP 5959
Author: moonliter

feclark Wrote:
> Is that a flat car adapted for carrying traction
> motors in the background? I can't quite read the
> lettering.
> Fred

My eyes can't make out want is says but with the yellow grab irons it may be a piece of MoW equipment.  Boom car fro a crane perhaps?

Gerry Gaugl
Ottawa ON

Date: 07/22/22 16:00
Re: Forty Or More Years Ago - CP 5959
Author: refarkas

It says either "Service rail car" or "Service flat car". I can't read it any better than those.

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