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Canadian Railroads > Position of crew sleeper on the Canadian

Date: 09/02/22 19:35
Position of crew sleeper on the Canadian
Author: DrawingroomA

On its own this is not important, but there have been several comments and questions about the order of sleepers.

Until a few weeks ago, the crew sleeper was behind the second dining car. It is now between the two diners. It was not at the front or back of the regular sleepers on the previous two trains I saw. For those interested in the sleeper line numbers, this is what I saw today when #2 arrived an hour early at Toronto Union:

Sleepers 10, 11, 12, 00 (crew sleeper) 13, etc. up to 18.  Unusually there were three Prestige sleepers. This consist will return to Vancouver on Sunday and is sold out in coach and all sleepers except for Prestige. There are two of these rooms available at the fare of  $11,384 plus sales tax. Those 17 Prestige rooms will bring VIA $193,528.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/02/22 19:37 by DrawingroomA.

Date: 09/03/22 08:34
Re: Position of crew sleeper on the Canadian
Author: viatrainrider

Thanks as usual for your great information!  Wonder why they moved the crew  sleeper.  Glad passenger counts are good even in Prestige.  And time keeping pretty good, too.

Date: 09/03/22 09:55
Re: Position of crew sleeper on the Canadian
Author: Jimbo

Locating the crew sleeper near the center of the train means a much shorter walk for the front dining car and two Skyline crews.  Perhaps that's the reason.


Date: 09/03/22 11:45
Re: Position of crew sleeper on the Canadian
Author: edsaalig

I was on #2, Prestige Class,  leaving Vancouver July 25 and the crew sleeper was between the second Prestige sleeper car and the dinning car.  We had to go through the crew sleepr to get to the dinning car.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 09/03/22 11:47 by edsaalig.

Date: 09/04/22 04:53
Re: Position of crew sleeper on the Canadian
Author: DrawingroomA

edsaalig Wrote:
> I was on #2, Prestige Class,  leaving Vancouver
> July 25 and the crew sleeper was between the
> second Prestige sleeper car and the dinning car.
>  We had to go through the crew sleepr to get to
> the dinning car.

That would be my guess as to the reason for relocating it. I thought it unusual that the crew sleeper would be positioned next to Prestige. A few years ago there were regular sleepers between the dining car and the Prestige cars. VIA said they were re-positioning the sleepers so Prestige had a shorter walk to the diner.

A long time ago the crew sleeper was at the front of the train, next to the baggage car.

Date: 09/04/22 06:35
Re: Position of crew sleeper on the Canadian
Author: Buddbilt

DrawingroomA Wrote:
> edsaalig Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I was on #2, Prestige Class,  leaving
> Vancouver
> > July 25 and the crew sleeper was between the
> > second Prestige sleeper car and the dinning
> car.
> >  We had to go through the crew sleepr to get
> to
> > the dinning car.
> That would be my guess as to the reason for
> relocating it. I thought it unusual that the crew
> sleeper would be positioned next to Prestige. A
> few years ago there were regular sleepers between
> the dining car and the Prestige cars. VIA said
> they were re-positioning the sleepers so Prestige
> had a shorter walk to the diner.
> A long time ago the crew sleeper was at the front
> of the train, next to the baggage car.

     Once upon a time, the "partial" crew sleeper was the baggage car (baggage-dorm)!  :-) 

 I've often wondered just how comfortable those 3-high bunk beds were after a long day in the dining room car.


Date: 09/04/22 06:40
Re: Position of crew sleeper on the Canadian
Author: dan

well if your dog tired you can sleep most anywhere

Date: 09/04/22 10:46
Re: Position of crew sleeper on the Canadian
Author: MEKoch

Thankfully CN built baggage dorm cars in the big 1954 CCF order.  They were 10 roomettes and a baggage section.  Comfortable and private for the crew.  

Date: 09/04/22 10:52
Re: Position of crew sleeper on the Canadian
Author: Jimbo

DrawingroomA Wrote:
> edsaalig Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I was on #2, Prestige Class,  leaving
> Vancouver
> > July 25 and the crew sleeper was between the
> > second Prestige sleeper car and the dinning
> car.
> >  We had to go through the crew sleeper to get
> to
> > the dinning car.
> That would be my guess as to the reason for
> relocating it. I thought it unusual that the crew
> sleeper would be positioned next to Prestige. A
> few years ago there were regular sleepers between
> the dining car and the Prestige cars. VIA said
> they were re-positioning the sleepers so Prestige
> had a shorter walk to the diner.
> A long time ago the crew sleeper was at the front
> of the train, next to the baggage car.

I had thought they positioned the crew sleeper just ahead of the Prestige cars to separate Prestige passengers from regular sleeper passengers.

Date: 09/05/22 08:05
Re: Position of crew sleeper on the Canadian
Author: DrawingroomA

Jimbo Wrote:

> I had thought they positioned the crew sleeper
> just ahead of the Prestige cars to separate
> Prestige passengers from regular sleeper
> passengers.

The dining car does that. Having the crew sleeper behind it was an extra buffer.

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