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Canadian Railroads > OSR Units in Canmore

Date: 09/12/22 18:09
OSR Units in Canmore
Author: NiagaraMike

There was a picture on Facebook of OSR 6508 and an OSR Geep . The story said they were assiting a shortline out there.
Seems a little hokey-anyone have info on whether this is fact or fiction?

An OSR F unit going all the way to Alberta unnoticed by railfans ??????????

Date: 09/13/22 09:36
Re: OSR Units in Canmore
Author: dh1205

It was just a photoshop job.  The guy that did it, came right out and said it was.  He did a very good job. 

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/13/22 09:36 by dh1205.

Date: 09/13/22 10:24
Re: OSR Units in Canmore
Author: NiagaraMike

Good job indeed-had me fooled-Thanks!

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