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Canadian Railroads > renaissiance cars

Date: 11/18/22 08:31
renaissiance cars
Author: abocanyon

In 2007 I traveked Halifax to Vancouver on Via. From Halifax to Montreal (sp?) I was in a Renaissaince (sp?) sleeper.. Are these still in use? The bed was very narrow. I hope to cross Canada in the other direction next year. I find Via is not quite as good at hiding schedules as Amtrak.

Thanks in advance for replies,


Date: 11/18/22 09:36
Re: Renaissance cars
Author: DrawingroomA

Yes, the Renaissance cars are still in service on the Ocean. They make up the majority of sleepers on that train. One or two Budd sleepers are operated in the summer season and sometimes in the off-peak periods.

Although the Ren. beds are narrower than those in the Budd sleepers, it is only by four inches. There is so much else that I - and many others - enjoy about the Ren. rooms (e.g. private shower in more than half the cabins, thick walls,  doors lockable even from the outside, smoother riding,) that  make up for it.  

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