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Canadian Railroads > My CPR Slides 142

Date: 01/13/23 06:43
My CPR Slides 142
Author: CNStratford

August 7 1975-Field BC-The Canadian arrives in Field after traversing the Spiral Tunnels.

Date: 01/13/23 15:09
Re: My CPR Slides 142
Author: feclark

That's a very different perspective on Field, Bob. I like your take on it.

Date: 01/13/23 17:37
Re: My CPR Slides 142
Author: cvrrr

That picture just screams CPR and the Canadian Rockies!!
Thank you for posting!!


Posted from Android

Date: 01/13/23 19:42
Re: My CPR Slides 142
Author: krm152

Excellent perspective featuring mountain background.
Thanks for posting your scenic CP photo.

Date: 01/13/23 21:26
Re: My CPR Slides 142
Author: RuleG

I wish my school "field trips" included going to this location!

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