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Canadian Railroads > Cartier Railway Siding Names

Date: 01/24/23 05:41
Cartier Railway Siding Names
Author: rrofmt

In working on my Richard Yaremko Canadian Railways book, I have come to the Quebec/Labrador chapter.
I'm curious if someone would have the entire set of Cartier Railway siding names and if they are all still active.
I have the original - Able, Baker, Charles, Dog, Eva, Fox, Georges, Howe, Item, Jig, Kay, and Love and Queen, Rob.
Are there other sidings?
I saw a copy of a 1960 timetable from a previous post...does anyone have any newer employee timetable information?
Thank you in advance.
Talk to ya later,
Dale Jones

Date: 01/24/23 11:43
Re: Cartier Railway Siding Names
Author: rrofmt

As before...I found the answer to my question by digging deeper into the internet.
Here is what I found:
"In 1972, as the original Lac Jeannine deposit was starting to run out, the railway was extended an additional 86 miles These sidings are named Mike, Nan, Oboe, Pat, Queen, and Rob."
So...there you have it  ---Able, Baker, Charles, Dog, Eva, Fox, Georges, Howe, Item, Jig, Kay, Love, Mike, Nan, Oboe, Pat, Queen, and Rob.
Please correct me if there are any changes.
The question still remains...are all these sidings still active?
Talk to ya later,
Dale Jones

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