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Canadian Railroads > My CPR Slides 154

Date: 05/16/23 13:42
My CPR Slides 154
Author: CNStratford

December 11 1976-Vallee Jct Quebec on the old Quebec Central - This is a special CP Excursion - Montreal to Quebec City via Trois Rivieres-Quebec City to Sherbrooke-Sherbrooke back to Montreal via Saint John.

Date: 05/16/23 19:58
Re: My CPR Slides 154
Author: krm152

That is an excellent scene as it is.  Being an excursion makes the photo even more special.
Thanks for your interesting and unique photo posting.

Date: 05/16/23 22:03
Re: My CPR Slides 154
Author: refarkas

Thankfully, this was in winter. If there were leaves, this classic photo could not have been taken.

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