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Canadian Railroads > Inco Railway

Date: 05/17/23 17:17
Inco Railway
Author: NiagaraMike

Long gone but missed !

Date: 05/17/23 17:26
Re: Inco Railway
Author: refarkas

Wonderful shots of Inco electrics.

Date: 05/17/23 20:03
Re: Inco Railway
Author: TCnR

Good views of the equipment and also the infrastructure. Any idea where these were taken, tracks still in place?

There's two locomotives apparently from this operation at the Northern Ontario Railroad Museum & Heritage Centre in Capreol.

Date: 05/17/23 22:09
Re: Inco Railway
Author: feclark

Great to see these; nice series! The window of light in photo 2 was really nice.

Date: 05/18/23 04:23
Re: Inco Railway
Author: NiagaraMike

pic one was in downtown Levack/Onaping , the other two were taken at the CPR interchange at what was the old Levack station site

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/18/23 04:25 by NiagaraMike.

Date: 05/18/23 04:28
Re: Inco Railway
Author: NiagaraMike

The tracks are still in place and used most weekdays, but CP now goes into Onaping to get cars and deliver empties.

Date: 05/18/23 09:08
Re: Inco Railway
Author: TCnR

Ok, got it, thanks.
Had a few weekends in the area a while ago and it's interesting to find what I couldn't find back then. Modern Google satellite view shows the mines and RoW very nicely.

For example I did find the super-stack but the whole place was on strike ( 2009 ) so not much was moving.

Date: 05/18/23 10:20
Re: Inco Railway
Author: NiagaraMike

Levack Onaping is northwest of Sudbury on hwy 144 not near the super stack!

Date: 05/18/23 11:03
Re: Inco Railway
Author: TCnR

NiagaraMike Wrote:
> Levack Onaping is northwest of Sudbury on hwy 144
> not near the super stack!

and there's a road between them... rental car... road, good to keep things simple.
The rental car and the road went from Cartier to North Bay, also out to Capreol and Milnet, then the airport in Toronto.... The Huron Central even ran a train, albeit near a road.

Oh and Sudbury too for a hotel. I stood next to the super-stack but never found a decent photo of the monster.

What I did mis was the area around Orillia, for some reason I didn't have any info on those areas. Once again the recent posts have filled in those unknowns. Regardless, lots of fun exploring a new area.



Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/18/23 11:07 by TCnR.

Date: 05/18/23 17:32
Re: Inco Railway
Author: NiagaraMike

A couple of others from Levack!

Date: 05/18/23 17:33
Re: Inco Railway Pt 2
Author: NiagaraMike

A couple of others from Levack!

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