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Canadian Railroads > VIA schedule board in CN station Vancouver BC

Date: 06/06/23 06:01
VIA schedule board in CN station Vancouver BC
Author: gcm

Dec 80
The Canadian (1-2), Super Continental (3-4) and the Amtrak Pacific International operated out of the station at that time.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/06/23 06:07 by gcm.

Date: 06/06/23 06:33
Re: VIA schedule board in CN station Vancouver BC
Author: refarkas

It is fascinating to see a bilingual schedule board.

Date: 06/07/23 08:48
Re: VIA schedule board in CN station Vancouver BC
Author: WJEX

Nice coordination between Amtrak #794 and Via #2 and #4, Who are the clowns who do the scheduling for Amtrak???

Date: 06/08/23 11:09
Re: VIA schedule board in CN station Vancouver BC
Author: Topfuel

WJEX Wrote:
> Nice coordination between Amtrak #794 and Via #2
> and #4, Who are the clowns who do the scheduling
> for Amtrak???

I think the Amtrak Seattle-Vancouver trains were scheduled to connect with Amtrak's own trains at Seattle.  With only one train a day each way, there can't be a convenient connection to the VIA trains as well.

Date: 06/08/23 16:11
Re: VIA schedule board in CN station Vancouver BC
Author: jp1822

Topfuel Wrote:
> WJEX Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Nice coordination between Amtrak #794 and Via
> #2
> > and #4, Who are the clowns who do the
> scheduling
> > for Amtrak???
> I think the Amtrak Seattle-Vancouver trains were
> scheduled to connect with Amtrak's own trains at
> Seattle.  With only one train a day each way,
> there can't be a convenient connection to the VIA
> trains as well.

 I believe the were trading to connect Vancouver, BC to Seattle to have been able to connect with the Coast Starlight, which would have provided a connection for passengers all the way down the West Coast,. Could be wrong on that. Would have to go back and look at old timetables of course. 

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