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Canadian Railroads > CN 3309 - Executive train assigned unit sporting a new herald.

Date: 09/18/23 09:55
CN 3309 - Executive train assigned unit sporting a new herald.
Author: newtonville150

Sept 18th. That was a sweet 120 with the business train on the back. ex-CREX leader and ex-CREX DPU facing forward.
By me at Springhill Junction at 12:02. Note the AC44C6M sporting a new "throwback" herald on the long hood.

...John Reay
Springhill NS

Date: 09/18/23 09:56
Re: CN 3309 - Executive train assigned unit sporting a new herald
Author: newtonville150

Close up of CN 3309

Date: 09/18/23 10:41
Re: CN 3309 - Executive train assigned unit sporting a new herald
Author: boejoe

Great catch.

Date: 09/18/23 11:35
Re: CN 3309 - Executive train assigned unit sporting a new herald
Author: PHall

Heritage and protecting their copyright.

Date: 09/18/23 11:42
Re: CN 3309 - Executive train assigned unit sporting a new herald
Author: King_Coal

What the 100th Anniversary of Canadian National should look like. Although maybe red and gold on the herald.

Date: 09/18/23 12:16
Re: CN 3309 - Executive train assigned unit sporting a new herald
Author: Seventyfive

Great catch and thanks for the excellent set of photos.  I wonder if that great-looking throwback herald
is in French on the conductor's side. That is a sharp looking business train; hope it makes a run down the Illinois Central

Date: 09/18/23 13:23
Re: CN 3309 - Executive train assigned unit sporting a new herald
Author: feclark

That's a nice catch, John. May I ask the identity of the third unit? That's a very fresh-looking 4700 or 4800 series diesel. The tilted wafer is fine, but seriously, they couldn't make it about 90% of that size, so that it's not resting on the walkway? That's just looks poorly planned.

Date: 09/18/23 13:50
Re: CN 3309 - Executive train assigned unit sporting a new herald
Author: newtonville150

feclark Wrote:
> That's a nice catch, John. May I ask the identity
> of the third unit? That's a very fresh-looking
> 4700 or 4800 series diesel.

A recently repainted GP38-2 #4938 (a fairly recently acquired ex-UP GP38N.)


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 09/18/23 14:15 by newtonville150.

Date: 09/18/23 15:38
Re: CN 3309 - Executive train assigned unit sporting a new herald
Author: feclark

newtonville150 Wrote:
> feclark Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > That's a nice catch, John. May I ask the
> identity
> > of the third unit? That's a very fresh-looking
> > 4700 or 4800 series diesel.
> A recently repainted GP38-2 #4938 (a fairly
> recently acquired ex-UP GP38N.)
> ..jr

Thanks, John.

Date: 09/19/23 09:50
Re: CN 3309 - Executive train assigned unit sporting a new herald
Author: coach

That's fresh--I love it.

Date: 09/19/23 10:13
Re: CN 3309 - Executive train assigned unit sporting a new herald
Author: P

Love it

Posted from Android

Date: 09/19/23 15:43
Re: CN 3309 - Executive train assigned unit sporting a new herald
Author: march_hare

Heritage unit would look better with a maple leaf worked into the design.  OK as is, but a maple leaf would improve it a lot.

Date: 09/20/23 06:43
Re: CN 3309 - Executive train assigned unit sporting a new herald
Author: newtonville150

Seventyfive Wrote:
> I wonder if that great-looking throwback
> herald is in French on the conductor's side.

Apparently not from the images I've seen on FB


Date: 09/20/23 14:31
Re: CN 3309 - Executive train assigned unit sporting a new herald
Author: agentatascadero

I love the heritage logo, and think it should (must!!) be accompanied by the classic and beautiful two tone green scheme.  While we're at it, lets bring back BCR green too.


Stanford White
Carmel Valley, CA

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