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Canadian Railroads > It's time to spray the weeds

Date: 05/18/24 14:42
It's time to spray the weeds
Author: loleta

On May 13, CN ran a weed sprayer out of North Vancouver up to Prince George (and beyond?) on the old BC Rail. This was an opportunity to see something operating north of Squamish other than the seasonal Rocky Mountaineer tourist train.
1. Train 927 northbound on the Squamish Sub. near Porteau.
2. Britannia.
3. The weed sprayer car itself, approaching McGuire.

Loleta Fernbridge

Date: 05/18/24 14:44
Re: It's time to spray the weeds
Author: loleta

4. A little north of Whistler, between Mons and Wedge.
5. Crossing Rutherford Creek at Tisdall.
6. At Nairn Falls.
 - LF

Date: 05/18/24 14:46
Re: It's time to spray the weeds
Author: loleta

7. After stopping to pick up lunch in Pemberton, the sprayer is on the move again near Mt. Currie.
8. Near Creekside.
9. Passing Gates Lake near Birken. The train will stop in Lillooet for the night.

- LF

Date: 05/18/24 16:14
Re: It's time to spray the weeds
Author: asheldrake

Loleta.......would to use with proper attribution your third picture of the spreader,in operation in one of the monthly issues of The Trainmaster newsletter published by the Pacific Northwest Chapter - NRHS.   If OK and you give me your email address I would you an electronic copy.    asheldrake@comcast.net      503-351-9881            GREAT pictures all!    Arlen Sheldrake

Date: 05/20/24 14:30
Re: It's time to spray the weeds
Author: ns1000

Great pics!!

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