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Canadian Railroads > Fraser Canyon - 20-May-2024

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Date: 05/20/24 21:33
Fraser Canyon - 20-May-2024
Author: johnusnsd

For-the-Love-of-God - how have I missed such a scenic and epic location!    I worked the southern end from Hope up to Ashcroft today - and I was not disappointed!    The southern end saw a few more clouds and sprinkles - but once I go up into the northern end - turned to Desert landscape - quickly.   Traffic was steady - except for an early lull due to a Monday MOW.     To many locations to even begin to describe.    Discovered that just pulling off at every single pull out was the best plan today - to discover some ideal spots.    Not sure what I am doing in the Canyon tomorrow - gotta figure that out.

Tried to get into Black Canyon - but the rancher was not on the property when I stopped by - and the ranch hands could not grant me permission - - might give Black Canyon another try tomorrow.

Saw both the WB and EB Rocky Mountaineer - and she is impressive!     Even saw the VIA rail (did not get to shoot) - as she was holding at a red signal when I returned to Hope (but I could not get around to find a way to shoot her before she departed.   Maybe I will catch it tomorrow -- but the numerous dome cars were impressive.

Gas and food is pretty much non-existent once you get up the road a bit - found the one place open in Spence Bridge to grab a bite........so if you are heading this way - fuel up and food up before you pull out of Hope.  

1-2.  CN 3208 - WB - Tuckkwiowhum


Date: 05/20/24 21:35
Re: Fraser Canyon - 20-May-2024
Author: johnusnsd

Love the Cisco Bridges!    Windy is an understatement up on the side of the cliff.

3-5.  CP 9772 - EB - Cisco Bridges

Date: 05/20/24 21:36
Re: Fraser Canyon - 20-May-2024
Author: johnusnsd

6.  KCS 4176 - REAR DPU - EB - Cisco Bridges.
7-8. CN 3308 - WB - at Cisco Bridges

Date: 05/20/24 21:38
Re: Fraser Canyon - 20-May-2024
Author: johnusnsd

9-10.  CN 3308 - WB - Just past Cisco Bridges
11.  CP 8897 - WB - Lytton - 20-May-2024 - with significant fire damage still visible.

Date: 05/20/24 21:40
Re: Fraser Canyon - 20-May-2024
Author: johnusnsd

12.  CP 8897 - WB - Lytton
13.  CP 8038 - Mid-DPU - Heavy Winds Blowing Coal - Lytton
14.  And, more coal blowing as CP 9778 - Rear DPU - on the rear of a WB at Lytton

Date: 05/20/24 21:42
Re: Fraser Canyon - 20-May-2024
Author: johnusnsd

15.  CP 8929 - Rear DPU - EB - Lytton
16-17.  More burn zone damage - - the wildfire just destroyed this area.   Rocky Mountainer 8018 - WB - Thompson-Nicola

Date: 05/20/24 21:44
Re: Fraser Canyon - 20-May-2024
Author: johnusnsd

18.  And, one last shot of the WB RM.
19-20.  CN 3119 - WB - Thompson-Nicola.


Date: 05/20/24 21:46
Re: Fraser Canyon - 20-May-2024
Author: johnusnsd

21.  EB and WB in the same shot - occurred several times today - just an idea of how busy this area is.
22-23.  CP 9757 - EB - Spence Bridge

Date: 05/20/24 21:48
Re: Fraser Canyon - 20-May-2024
Author: johnusnsd

24-26.  CP 8544 - WB - Basque.

Date: 05/20/24 21:50
Re: Fraser Canyon - 20-May-2024
Author: johnusnsd

27.  CP 9810 Rear DPU - WB - Basque
28-29.  Rocky Mountaineer 8012 - EB - Basque 

Date: 05/20/24 21:51
Re: Fraser Canyon - 20-May-2024
Author: johnusnsd

30.  CP 8740 - WB - Ashcroft.
31-32.  Rocky Mountainer 8012 - EB - Ashcroft.

Date: 05/20/24 21:53
Re: Fraser Canyon - 20-May-2024
Author: johnusnsd

33-35.  CP 8740 - WB - Munroe 

Date: 05/20/24 21:55
Re: Fraser Canyon - 20-May-2024
Author: johnusnsd

36-37.  CP 9367 - EB - Martel (one shot with both EB and WB). 
38.  CP 8740 -  and got lucky that the track twists and the train is so long - that the mid-train DPU is also in the image - WB - Spence Bridge

Date: 05/20/24 21:57
Re: Fraser Canyon - 20-May-2024
Author: johnusnsd

39.  And, yet another shot with both EB and WB - CP 8740 at Spence Bridge.
40.  Last shot of the day - in Hope BC - CN 8936 - WB.

Date: 05/21/24 00:49
Re: Fraser Canyon - 20-May-2024
Author: railsmith

johnusnsd Wrote:
> 12.  CP 8897 - WB - Lytton
> 13.  CP 8038 - Mid-DPU - Heavy Winds Blowing
> Coal - Lytton
> 14.  And, more coal blowing as CP 9778 - Rear
> DPU - on the rear of a WB at Lytton

West of Kamloops, these are CN trains running under CN symbols, despite the CP power. All Teck coal from the southeast B.C. mines is interchanged to CN at Kamloops, but the power remains on the trains all the way to the coast and back. This arrangement has been in place since April 1, 2021, when Teck gave CN a five-year contract for the haul west of Kamloops.

The result is that CN racks up a considerable power debt to CPKC, which is repaid with the frequent use of CN locomotives in CPKC trains.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 05/21/24 01:03 by railsmith.

Date: 05/21/24 00:52
Re: Fraser Canyon - 20-May-2024
Author: railsmith

johnusnsd Wrote:

> 1-2.  CN 3208 - WB - Tuckkwiowhum

That's the Anderson River Bridge. Its east end is at Mile 2.0, CN Yale Subdivision.

Date: 05/21/24 01:00
Re: Fraser Canyon - 20-May-2024
Author: railsmith

johnusnsd Wrote:
> 9-10.  CN 3308 - WB - Just past Cisco Bridges
> 11.  CP 8897 - WB - Lytton - 20-May-2024 - with
> significant fire damage still visible.

The station name at Mile 104, CN Ashcroft Subdivision, is Oregon Jack. The name is derived from a goldrush pioneer nicknamed "Oregon Jack" Dowling, who lived west of Ashcroft.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/21/24 01:08 by railsmith.

Date: 05/21/24 08:36
Re: Fraser Canyon - 20-May-2024
Author: TCnR

Looks you're having a good time.

During my travels Cache Creek was the town with food, gas and hotels, Ashcroft did have a nice Museum for a rainy day. There is a hobby shop at Savona, but not much else. Easy to understand that Yale and Lytton have changed.

btw Lytton had a chasm jumping bridge over the Thompson where it joined the Fraser. Wide angle recommended.

Kamloops is the really big town for the area but the RR show is to the far sides of town. Easy to rack up some serious mileage with no access along the Lake, but the show is really in the two Canyons. Before they opened the Coquihala, TC highway 1 was a constant stream of B-Train trucks. They had a tendency to cheat on the inside of curves and scare the h out everybody. But I haven't been there since 1990- something.


Date: 05/21/24 21:24
Re: Fraser Canyon - 20-May-2024
Author: johnusnsd

Absolutely having a good time - well worth the trip - not disappointed at all.

Wanted to get further east from Ashcroft to Kamloops - but just did not have time this trip - but you are correct - the real show is in the canyons - so that is where I concentrated my efforts.   And, HWY 1 was a bit crowded yesterday - but today it was very nice - not a lot of traffic at all.....easy to get in and out of the pull outs without dodging traffic.

TCnR Wrote:
> Looks you're having a good time.
> During my travels Cache Creek was the town with
> food, gas and hotels, Ashcroft did have a nice
> Museum for a rainy day. There is a hobby shop at
> Savona, but not much else. Easy to understand that
> Yale and Lytton have changed.
> btw Lytton had a chasm jumping bridge over the
> Thompson where it joined the Fraser. Wide angle
> recommended.
> Kamloops is the really big town for the area but
> the RR show is to the far sides of town. Easy to
> rack up some serious mileage with no access along
> the Lake, but the show is really in the two
> Canyons. Before they opened the Coquihala, TC
> highway 1 was a constant stream of B-Train trucks.
> They had a tendency to cheat on the inside of
> curves and scare the h out everybody. But I
> haven't been there since 1990- something.
> t4p.

Date: 05/23/24 10:57
Re: Fraser Canyon - 20-May-2024
Author: P

What is the status of Lytton?

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