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Canadian Railroads > CP 1201 Doing Rain, Steam and Speed South of Wakefield

Date: 05/23/24 13:35
CP 1201 Doing Rain, Steam and Speed South of Wakefield
Author: feclark

I was one of a trio of lads who chased the regular National Museum of Science and Technology (it's not called that anymore) excursion from Ottawa to Wakefield, QC and back, on September 3, 1978. These runs were in the charge of CP G-5a 1201, a beautiful locomotive. Let's just say we had an incident on the road and only got one shot going up (I was not the driver). We did catch the southbound return run, and at some place south of Alcan, we set up and I took this pan shot in the miserable conditions. Turner's painting of Rain, Steam and Speed is definitely a classic, much more evocative.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/31/24 15:52 by feclark.

Date: 05/23/24 15:36
Re: CP 1201 Doing Rain, Steam and Speed South of Wakefield
Author: refarkas

Well-done pan shot.

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