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Canadian Railroads > A Year Ago Today

Date: 05/31/24 17:43
A Year Ago Today
Author: cn6218

It seems like I didn't get out much in may this year, so here's a flashback from the end of the month last year, when John Reay and I spent the day chasing after trains in northern Nova Scotia and the eastern tip of new Brunswick.

About two hours after we missed them at Memramcook, NB, CN train Z120 was splitting the new LED signals at the east end of Folly Lake siding.  After damage caused by Hurricane Fiona in the fall of 2022, CN re-did all the signals and crossing lights between Belmont and Folly Lake.  More have been done since, and the once ubiquitous searchlights in Nova Scotia are now getting tougher to find.


Date: 05/31/24 17:49
Re: A Year Ago Today
Author: 3rdswitch


Date: 06/01/24 06:34
Re: A Year Ago Today
Author: texchief1

Great shot, Geoff!


Date: 06/01/24 08:05
Re: A Year Ago Today
Author: newtonville150

Here are a couple of my favourite shots from that of the same train.

1. From the Hwy 142 bridge just west of Salt Spring, MP 54 Springhill sub.
2, The East Mines trestle where we went after Folly Lake.

...John Reay
Springhill NS

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