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Canadian Railroads > CN Pride Container information?

Date: 06/10/24 22:42
CN Pride Container information?
Author: dcmkris

Hello all,

Was wondering if anyone has inormation on these containers? I happened to catch this on a train heading down the GTW Holly Sub today.
Sorry I missed the loco's so no idea on what train it was.

I found a CN article from Jun-6 saying Pet Valu & Lindt Canada were the 1st to use them. But couldn't find out how many there are or when they
entered service. No matter ones opinion on the subject matter, its something different to photograph.

So does anyone know how many they have (# series) & when they entered service?



Date: 06/13/24 07:21
Re: CN Pride Container information?
Author: WJEX

Can you say, VOMIT...

Date: 06/13/24 10:54
Re: CN Pride Container information?
Author: thegottfather

Fo some reason I can't get the links, but on X (Twitter), it looks like these first rolled out about 4 months ago. 

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