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Canadian Railroads > Front End Friday

Date: 09/06/24 12:35
Front End Friday
Author: hoggerdoug

Images from September 1985.  I had a few days on a work train, some clean up chores after an intensive tie and ballast program on the BCR  Lillooet subdivision. Images taken near mile 307 on the Lillooet sub, a temporary "dry bridge" installed after the rock face slid out. Some blasting had taken place to widen out the right of way, the rock face loosend more than anticipated and slid out. Since that time, the dry bridge has been modified and the curve eliminated.  Anyhow, had an opportunity to take a couple of pictures. If I recall, we were taking the outfit cars south to Enterprise. I enjoyed the few days on the work train, easy pace, well fed and the pay was great.
thanks for looking,

Date: 09/06/24 13:08
Re: Front End Friday
Author: TCnR

Interesting photo and story.
Have to say that's some incredibly ugly looking material to be building into a shelf. There's some surprising looking geology and roadbed work on the route. Hope it all holds together. Big investment by the Province but it seems to have allowed for development of the interior, as intended.

Date: 09/06/24 17:42
Re: Front End Friday
Author: refarkas

Neat scenes.

Date: 09/07/24 10:36
Re: Front End Friday
Author: King_Coal

I'd love to see the after photo on that slip. Unless this is the permanent situation..

Date: 09/07/24 12:34
Re: Front End Friday
Author: hoggerdoug

Image taken September 2006, dry bridge and fill.  Good for 30 !!!

King_Coal Wrote:
> I'd love to see the after photo on that slip.
> Unless this is the permanent situation..

Date: 09/08/24 09:08
Re: Front End Friday
Author: TCnR

Thanks for the follow up photo, seems to have taken care of it all.

+ In some areas this bridge would be described as a ' side hill ' bridge, there's a number of examples on Interstate 5 and also the ex-SP Cascade Line. But not a common occurance, usually a steep slope and some sort of unusual drainage.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/08/24 11:25 by TCnR.

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