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Canadian Railroads > MLW Monday at the Fairview Roundhouse

Date: 09/09/24 06:45
MLW Monday at the Fairview Roundhouse
Author: cn6218

The Fairview Roundhouse was built in the 1940s to service CN's locomotives in Halifax, NS.  It had a 100 ft. turntable and about a dozen stalls.  In more recent times, the roundhouse was demolished and anything but the most simple repairs was done in Moncton, but the turntable remains to this day for turning equipment when needed.

On March 3, 1996 M-636 2323 was serviced and set up at the rear of the locomotive consist to go out later that day.  There were still plenty of M-420Ws around, like 3510 ahead of the 2323, and even the big MLWs could be found here on an almost daily basis.  That changed about a year later when CN retired all the remaining MLW and Bombardier products.  Many of the 4-axle units found new homes, at least for a few years, but the remaining 6-axles were all scrapped, except for four which went to the Arkansas & Missouri and one which was retained at MacMillan Yard as an emergency power generator for Y2K.


Date: 09/10/24 10:13
Re: MLW Monday at the Fairview Roundhouse
Author: newtonville150

cn6218 Wrote:
> and one
> which was retained at MacMillan Yard as an
> emergency power generator for Y2K.

This is that locomotive seen here after being set out in Bowmanville ON in May 1990 with a seized traction motor.

...John Reay, Springhill NS

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