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Canadian Railroads > Bras d'Or Tuesday

Date: 10/15/24 14:48
Bras d'Or Tuesday
Author: cn6218

It's been just about 20 years since the Bras d'Or's last trip, Oct. 13, 2004, from Sydney to Halifax.  The seasonal excursion train ran for five years, 2000-2004, leaving Halifax on Tuesday mornings and Sydney on Wednesday for the return trip.  This fit well with the Ocean's schedule because there were no departures from Halifax or Montreal on Tuesdays, meaning there would be equipment available back when 3 sets were assigned to the 6-day-a-week train.

At 12:35 on September 14, 2004 the Bras d'Or was on the CBNS and heading east at Monastery.  In a few more minutes the train would be at the division point of Havre Boucher, and start onto the Sydney Sub for the last 114 miles to Sydney.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/15/24 14:48 by cn6218.

Date: 10/15/24 15:13
Re: Bras d'Or Tuesday
Author: 3rdswitch

Excellent catch. With my recent cruise to Halifax and Sydney, I understand your shots a lot better.

Date: 10/16/24 04:46
Re: Bras d'Or Tuesday
Author: DrawingroomA

I'm so glad we took the round-trip in August 2004.  We had considered leaving it for another year.  Some railfans on another forum complained it was "only for the rich". While it was certainly not priced as a basic train trip, it was good value.  As I recall the fare was $200 eastbound and $150 westbound.  For that you got access to two dome cars and two meals each day, including wine with lunch. 

Date: 10/16/24 16:31
Re: Bras d'Or Tuesday
Author: march_hare

Damn, another bucket list train ride I didn't get around to,doing. 

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