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Canadian Railroads > LRC's

Date: 10/20/24 11:16
Author: overniteman

Brockville 3/1988

Date: 10/20/24 11:17
Re: LRC's
Author: overniteman

Brockville 3/1988

Date: 10/20/24 11:18
Re: LRC's
Author: overniteman

Brockville, Ont.  3/1988

Date: 10/20/24 11:23
Re: LRC's
Author: ts1457

If I recall, the power units were not a success, but what was the feeling about the passenger cars?

Date: 10/20/24 11:45
Re: LRC's
Author: refarkas

Good-looking train.

Date: 10/20/24 13:28
Re: LRC's
Author: newtonville150

ts1457 Wrote:
> If I recall, the power units were not a success,
> but what was the feeling about the passenger cars?

They are mostly still in service, albeit without the banking equipment they were delivered with.
Although their days are numbered.


Date: 10/20/24 14:18
Re: LRC's
Author: TomG

While I am not a big fan of these, thank God for Rapido Trains making these unique trains for those that do. Very unique looking trains to say the least. Great pictures.

Date: 10/20/24 14:32
Re: LRC's
Author: ts1457

newtonville150 Wrote:
> They are mostly still in service, albeit without
> the banking equipment they were delivered with.
> Although their days are numbered.

Appreciate it. I can't remember whether the banking feature wore out or that it wasn't right from the start. Were they generally regarded as good cars to ride?

Date: 10/20/24 14:37
Re: LRC's
Author: Ray_Murphy

ts1457 Wrote:
> Were they generally regarded as good cars to ride?

They still are.


Date: 10/20/24 16:20
Re: LRC's
Author: joemvcnj

LRC car achilles heal is the aluminum frame. 
Wonder how the ex-GO carts on the ONR are structurally these days ? 

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