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Canadian Railroads > CPKC Ashcroft Local

Date: 11/04/24 17:47
CPKC Ashcroft Local
Author: SquareWheeledCaboose

Howdy - about to head back up to Ashcroft for a week and was hoping to grab the ashcroft local on its way in to the terminal - is there any info on regular operating times for it? Thanks!


Date: 11/04/24 21:01
Re: CPKC Ashcroft Local
Author: K8DTI

I was there two weeks ago and it arrived at Ashcroft around 9am. I'm not sure if you have been there recently, but Ashcroft Terminal has expanded and unfortunately closed the road beyond the first CN bridge.

Date: 11/05/24 10:56
Re: CPKC Ashcroft Local
Author: SquareWheeledCaboose

K8DTI Wrote:
> I was there two weeks ago and it arrived at
> Ashcroft around 9am. I'm not sure if you have been
> there recently, but Ashcroft Terminal has expanded
> and unfortunately closed the road beyond the first
> CN bridge.

Thank you!

Date: 11/06/24 10:20
Re: CPKC Ashcroft Local
Author: BoostedFridge

I believe the current symbol this movement operates under is A52

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