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Canadian Railroads > CTV article re: the OceanDate: 11/07/24 20:16 CTV article re: the Ocean Author: DrawingroomA VIA has been getting bad publicity about the poor on-time record,. This is something positive. Near the end there is a brief view of what new equipment might look like. The glass-topped car is interesting.
https://atlantic.ctvnews.ca/video/c3025592-all-aboard-via-rail-s-the-ocean Date: 11/09/24 16:53 Re: CTV article re: the Ocean Author: TheButcherofBena Thanks for sharing; very interesting. Will miss the old equipment but welcome the new and hope it catches on.
Date: 11/10/24 04:40 Re: CTV article re: the Ocean Author: jp1822 I am glad they are still considering dome and observation type cars like that!