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Canadian Railroads > VIA 6913

Date: 01/06/25 03:49
VIA 6913
Author: refarkas

VIA 6913 is eastbound in Bayview Junction, Ontario on August 12, 1987.

Date: 01/06/25 08:18
Re: VIA 6913
Author: train1275

I always thought these units looked modern and futuristic and loved watching them scream by Brockville, ON Canada back in the day.

But then when they were taken out of service I inspected them at Pointe St. Charles shop in Montreal and later I think some went to Silvis, IL at NRE. Good grief when you looked under the skin they were basically just old Alco 1960's. Kind of a let down.

Date: 01/06/25 19:29
Re: VIA 6913
Author: King_Coal

Great catch. Always thought they looked pretty cool.

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