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Canadian Railroads > Into the Night

Date: 01/21/25 10:24
Into the Night
Author: cn6218

Revelstoke Park sits on the end of the westbound Ocean at Campbellton, NB on October 2, 2009.  Campbellton was a division point and also the crew change point for VIA crews.  The carman's lantern can be seen dancing around the rear of the train n this time exposure as the new crew does a brake test before continuing on their journey to Montreal.  Earlier in 2009 both Budd and Ren versions of the Ocean ran without the Park cars, but the dome car was back as a regular feature on all the Oceans by this time of the year.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/21/25 10:25 by cn6218.

Date: 01/21/25 10:41
Re: Into the Night
Author: NMlurker

That is a really nice shot but kind of odd to see the vintage dome observation car at the end of the modern, low-profile cars.

Date: 01/21/25 11:01
Re: Into the Night
Author: atsfer

Nice shot and it shows how slide film could add to a story with the carmans lantern...I had a similar shot only instead of a line, it was a series of blue dots moving along as his lantern had a flashing blue light and not a steady one....thanks for posting.

Date: 01/21/25 12:04
Re: Into the Night
Author: gcm

Excellent night shot !

Date: 01/21/25 16:56
Re: Into the Night
Author: refarkas

Superior night shot!

Date: 01/21/25 17:07
Re: Into the Night
Author: cn6218

atsfer Wrote:
> Nice shot and it shows how slide film could add to
> a story with the carmans lantern...

Actually, this one is from a DSLR, about 5 seconds at f5.6.

I had fooled around a bit with time exposures in the slide days, but it was always a bit hit or miss, or I needed to take a wide range of exposures to make sure I got one that was acceptable.  With digital I can make a few test shots, get the exposure nailed, and then concentrate of the composition of the shot.  As I recall with this one, the train was stopped long enough that I could go back to the car, turn on the headlights and aim them at Revelstoke Park to highlight the stainless fluting even more.


Date: 01/21/25 18:05
Re: Into the Night
Author: NiagaraMike

Beauty of a shot!

Date: 01/21/25 19:16
Re: Into the Night
Author: poshell

Great night photo.
For those interested in MoW Work Equipment, the machine at the right of the frame is CN 50475 an Ohio model DE 400 locomotive crane, serial number 5033, built in 1976.
It was shipped new from the factory to CN in Moncton, NB on September 20, 1976.

Date: 01/24/25 13:07
Re: Into the Night
Author: ns1000

Very nice..!!

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