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Canadian Railroads > I Was Told You'd Find These Engines Interesting

Date: 01/22/25 19:40
I Was Told You'd Find These Engines Interesting
Author: MartyBernard

Click on this: Critter of the Day

Here is a comment I received:Wonderful shot and subject, Marty. You might want to cross-list it on the Canadian board. The CNRHA book by Holland & Goslett indicates these units were repowered by Rock Island. The radiator area is certainly different from the as-built condition. Your subject 1011 closer to the camera shows a significant hood build-up. The best photo in that book shows the front end of 7804, with m.u. receptacles just below the headlight. Fred

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 01/22/25 19:54 by MartyBernard.

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