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Canadian Railroads > Predicting what kind of equipment a VIA train will have

Date: 01/24/25 18:26
Predicting what kind of equipment a VIA train will have
Author: march_hare

Back in September, I queried this board on how to predict what kind of equipment (Budd, LRC, or Venture) would be found on a given train. 

I'd like to update that:  sometime in the next month, I'd like to do a round trip between Toronto and Montreal (I could start at either end). Ideally, I'd like to one way on LRC cars and the other on Budds. I'm open to laying over at either end to get the equipment and schedule I want. 

Can anybody here tell me how to do that?

Date: 01/24/25 19:25
Re: Predicting what kind of equipment a VIA train will have
Author: DrawingroomA

This is the quickest way that I know of.


I have found it to be accurate although last-minute changes will not show,, as the warning says.

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