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Canadian Railroads > MLW Monday on the CP Belleville sub (again)

Date: 01/27/25 12:55
MLW Monday on the CP Belleville sub (again)
Author: newtonville150

Two shots of a meet at Lovekin in 1986 and a panned shot at Colborne in 1988.

...John Reay, Springhill NS

Date: 01/27/25 18:20
Re: MLW Monday on the CP Belleville sub (again)
Author: NiagaraMike

You cant beat the bridge at Lovekin for action. Nice shots!

Date: 01/28/25 03:57
Re: MLW Monday on the CP Belleville sub (again)
Author: screeh

Great pictures, thanks!
In pic #1 the walkway on the lead unit (possibly an M-640?) looks to be higher than the unit behind (an M-630?)
It could be an optical illusion but if I'm seeing it right then I've learned something new, didn't realise their heights were different!

Posted from Android

Date: 01/28/25 06:29
Re: MLW Monday on the CP Belleville sub (again)
Author: newtonville150

screeh Wrote:
> Great pictures, thanks!
> In pic #1 the walkway on the lead unit (possibly
> an M-640?) looks to be higher than the unit behind
> (an M-630?)
> It could be an optical illusion but if I'm seeing
> it right then I've learned something new, didn't
> realise their heights were different!
> Posted from Android

That's odd. CP 4744 is the only M-640, and that ain't it.
In the second picture you can see the 4726 and 4566
have walkways the same height (M-636 and M-630

The first few 45xx's were actually designated C630-M,
maybe that's the difference? They are both clearly
45xx's. The air filter configuration behind the cab
is also clearly different.


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 01/28/25 06:45 by newtonville150.

Date: 01/29/25 05:33
Re: MLW Monday on the CP Belleville sub (again)
Author: screeh

Argh, you're absolutely right - I drew the wrong conclusion from the different filters and exhaust arrangements.
I reckon you've got it with the C-630M v M-630 explanation, my best guess is the trailing unit is 4501 and the lead is a 455x.
I've got weekend homework now: time to pull out the CP Tracks issues and see if anyone has done a write up.

Posted from Android

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