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Canadian Railroads > NB Southern Transfer

Date: 01/30/25 13:59
NB Southern Transfer
Author: cn6218

SD40 6332 (former Conrail?) was leading GP38-3 2319 (former Devco Railway) and a cut of Tropical containers across the Reversing Falls Bridge in Saint John, NB on September 29, 2013.  The containers had been dropped off at Island Yard on the east side of the city by CN, and the NB Southern transfer was bringing them over to the port of Saint John on the west side.  In the background is a corner of the Irving pulp mill, one of NBSR's most important customers.  The water below the train is the Saint John River, and depending on the tide, it actually reversed direction under the bridge.  More recently most of the spans of this deck girder bridge have been replaced by a large fill.

A few years after this picture was taken, Tropical moved to Halifax, resulting in some lean years at the Saint John Port.  But Hapag-Lloyd and CPKC have more than made up for that more recently with substantial container traffic traveling through Maine to Montreal.  But not much, if any, container traffic crosses the bridge any longer.

6332 is gone from the NBSR roster, and may have been scrapped by now.  2319 soldiers on however, sometimes in the company of a slug.


Date: 01/30/25 14:37
Re: NB Southern Transfer
Author: coach

I don't understand why this bridge in the photo would be replaced by a large fill???  The bridge appears to be in good shape.  Any photos / reasons for the change??

Date: 01/30/25 15:55
Re: NB Southern Transfer
Author: refarkas

Well-crafted scene.

Date: 01/30/25 16:47
Re: NB Southern Transfer
Author: cn6218

Perhaps a fill is just easier/cheaper to maintain than a bridge.

I've also heard a rumour that some of the spans will be used for a new bridge to cross the St. Croix River between Milltown, NB and Calais, ME.  Time will tell what actually happens there, but if it does, I will be sure to get pictures.


Date: 01/30/25 16:59
Re: NB Southern Transfer
Author: 3rdswitch

Nice catch. Earlier last year I was on the other side of both the river and the bridge hoping to catch some action while doing a bus/trolley tour from a cruise ship. Heard a job working inside the plant but we left before anything came into view.

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