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Canadian Railroads > Canadian consist... nostalgia?

Date: 02/04/25 09:53
Canadian consist... nostalgia?
Author: PumpkinHogger

From a trip on #2 in October 2012 with Mr. Latebeans, meeting #1 somewhere along the Assinibone river. 
The #1 pictured was the first shortened "winter consist" of the season of 14 cars, reduced to two coaches and seven sleepers.
No dome occupancy restrictions, no Prestige nonsense. 
As the late John Mills Sr. would say, "as the universe and god intended". 

Date: 02/04/25 16:32
Re: Canadian consist... nostalgia?
Author: TheButcherofBena

Great shot of a great train; thanks for sharing.

Date: 02/06/25 08:51
Re: Canadian consist... nostalgia?
Author: WrongWayMurphy

10 years ago this week the lovely Mrs Murphy and I spent 4 days in this car, Revelstoke Park.

I loved the shorter train and freedom of movement about it.

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