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European Railroad Discussion > Almost there - 2

Date: 03/06/13 06:51
Almost there - 2
Author: 86235

Taken at lunchtime today from Imberhorne Lane bridge, the track laying is almost complete. Just 16 days to go.

Date: 03/07/13 00:37
Re: Almost there - 2
Author: HeislerPower

Concrete ties?

Posted from iPhone

Date: 03/07/13 02:41
Re: Almost there - 2
Author: 86235

Yes, secondhand by the looks of it, presumably donated by Network Rail. Concrete is not a modern material, part of the original route of the Bluebell, between Sheffield Park & Horsted keynes was relaid with concrete sleepers supporting bullhead rail in the 1950s.

Date: 03/07/13 13:54
Re: Almost there - 2
Author: Focalplane

In these days preservation railways use what they can get!

Date: 03/09/13 11:31
Re: Almost there - 2
Author: HeislerPower

I would imagine they would be more practical in England due to the fact that they do not have the timber resources of the Americas. A wooden sleeper may be prohibitively expensive.


Posted from iPhone

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