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European Railroad Discussion > Valencia North station

Date: 01/09/23 11:59
Valencia North station
Author: symph1

Valencia North station opened in 1917, and I think is quite beautiful. Enjoy. Photo 2 shows that it's right next to the bullring.

Date: 01/09/23 12:00
Re: Valencia North station
Author: symph1

Imagine this train shed filled with steam locomotives. It's a stub terminal.

Date: 01/09/23 12:02
Re: Valencia North station
Author: symph1

The ticket office retains its old charm.

Date: 01/09/23 17:13
Re: Valencia North station
Author: kurtarmbruster

Very cool--RENFE rocks!

Date: 01/09/23 20:23
Re: Valencia North station
Author: Latebeans

I love old European railway stations.  They are beautiful AND they generally have lots of trains.

Date: 01/10/23 00:45
Re: Valencia North station
Author: 86235

Excellent, off to Valencia next month, hope to see it for myself.

Date: 01/10/23 19:37
Re: Valencia North station
Author: Steinzeit2

This is a Public Service Announcement to those over the age of ______ [ insert number here if applicable ] who were confused about this station as I was:  This is what was for many years named Valencia Termino, at least to non-Valencians.  It was originally named Norte after the railway that built it, but probably after RENFE-ization it became Termino.  While one could still find references to Norte  -- for example, the Valencia map insert in a 1965 Cook's shows it as Termino (Norte) -- D. Trevor Rowe's Railway Holiday in Spain of 1966 or Spanish TT of the early '70's, as examples, referred to it only as Termino.

This station is on the south side of the city centre;  "Valencia North" made me think the Central of Aragon's Alameda had come back from the dead.....

Best, SZ

Date: 01/22/23 12:24
Re: Valencia North station
Author: Waybiller

86235 Wrote:
> Excellent, off to Valencia next month, hope to see
> it for myself.

Valencia is a beautiful city, you should enjoy it very much.

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