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European Railroad Discussion > 60055 Thomas Barnardo in Swindon today

Date: 03/17/23 08:43
60055 Thomas Barnardo in Swindon today
Author: 86235

DC Rail 60055 was working a loaded stone train from Tytherington Quarry in Gloucestershire to Appleford in Oxfordshire, carrying material for HS2. A short sequence as it pulled up in the middle road in Swindon Station, was overtaken by a late running London-bound IET, which it followed as far as Didcot Parkway, Appleford being a mile or so north of Didcot.

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Date: 03/17/23 10:13
Re: 60055 Thomas Barnardo in Swindon today
Author: gaspeamtrak

That is one nice/clean looking engine!!! and sounding...Plus no "Graffiti" yet...:):):)

Date: 03/17/23 12:24
Re: 60055 Thomas Barnardo in Swindon today
Author: 86235

I don't know how DC Rail and Cappagh do it but their units and wagons are invariably clean and graffiti free.

Date: 03/17/23 14:51
Re: 60055 Thomas Barnardo in Swindon today
Author: NMlurker

That is one clean train from start to finish. I don't think I have ever seen a Class 60 locomotive. Thanks for posting.

Date: 03/18/23 11:57
Re: 60055 Thomas Barnardo in Swindon today
Author: dwatry

Those Class 60s are nice, husky looking locos. 

Date: 03/18/23 15:09
Re: 60055 Thomas Barnardo in Swindon today
Author: exhaustED

NMlurker Wrote:
> That is one clean train from start to finish. I
> don't think I have ever seen a Class 60
> locomotive. Thanks for posting.

100 class 60s were built by Brush Traction to compete with the US made GM class 59/66. They have a 3100hp Mirrlees 8 cylinder engine and got the nickname 'Tugs' due tto the low thumping sound they make under power. They weren't the most reliable locos in their early years but have impressive haulage due to having good traction control (individual axle) and relatively low gearing.

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