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European Railroad Discussion > Hitachi in Liverpool and York

Date: 05/04/23 11:58
Hitachi in Liverpool and York
Author: erielackawanna

I've been running in front of trains I was about to board and trains I just got off for close to fifty years now... Sometimes it works out. Sometimes you get yelled at. Sometimes the train leaves before you can take a shot. If you're traveling with family, every time causes an eye rolll at least. And yet, I won't stop until I can't do it anymore. Here we have TransPennnine Express 9E08 with a Hitachi Class 802 Nova 1 in both Liverpool before our ride and at York after getting off. April 8, 2023, Charles Freericks photos.

Date: 05/05/23 10:34
Re: Hitachi in Liverpool and York
Author: kurtarmbruster

Handsome train--and no yellow warning panel--yaaayyy!!

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