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European Railroad Discussion > A High Green for a Norwegian/Swedish Passenger Train

Date: 05/05/23 13:47
A High Green for a Norwegian/Swedish Passenger Train
Author: SvenMolson

More than 100 miles north of the Arctic Circle, with snow and cold and they manage to not only run trains but run them on time.  Hey Amtrak, are you listening?

Photo taken by yours truly on 05 May at Straumnes Station, not far from Narvik.

Ha det bra,

Date: 05/05/23 16:41
Re: A High Green for a Norwegian/Swedish Passenger Train
Author: krm152

Excellent winter scene.  Thanks for posting your photo.

Date: 05/05/23 22:25
Re: A High Green for a Norwegian/Swedish Passenger Train
Author: boejoe

Amtrak is not listening and doesn't want to listen...

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