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European Railroad Discussion > Hitachi AT300s in Peterborough UK

Date: 05/16/23 09:55
Hitachi AT300s in Peterborough UK
Author: erielackawanna

Hitachi's AT300 line of highspeed trains come in bi-power-mode and electric versions and make up (from what I see on line) the British Class 800 through Class 810 models of trains. I saw a lot of Hitachis on my recent trip to the UK, but got the best light and variation on them one afternoon (April 10, 2023) in Peterborough.

Image one is of a LNER Class 801 set heading out to Edinburgh.

Image two is of another LNER set, this one Class 800s, heading to Kings Cross from Lincoln.

Image three is of a HULL Class 802 set on its way to Hull.


Date: 05/16/23 09:56
Re: Hitachi AT300s in Peterborough UK
Author: erielackawanna

Image four is a LUMO Class 803 set heading from Edinburgh to Kings Cross.

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