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European Railroad Discussion > Narvik, Norway: Passenger Edition

Date: 08/10/23 13:31
Narvik, Norway: Passenger Edition
Author: NMlurker

There are two regularly scheduled passenger trains in each direction between Narvik and Luleå, Sweden. There are morning and early afternoon departures from Narvik and midday and late afternoon arrivals. On my day in Narvik, June 1, 2023, the midday trains were cancelled (reason unknown). These passenger trains are currently operated by Vy. The day started with a dusting of snow during breakfast and stayed mostly gray but dry during the rest of the day.

1. At 9:40 AM train #95 departs Narvik with the same trainset on which I arrived the prior day so I was prepared to be disappointed by the SJ locomotive.

2. Better luck at 5:41 PM when train #96 arrives behind a proper Vy Rc6. The train is approaching the platform in Narvik.

Date: 08/10/23 13:34
Re: Narvik, Norway: Passenger Edition
Author: NMlurker

3-4-5. After arrival in Narvik, the locomotive ran around the train and pushed the train to the storage area to await the next day's morning departure.

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