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European Railroad Discussion > Narvik, Norway By Day: LKAB/IORE Edition

Date: 08/15/23 14:23
Narvik, Norway By Day: LKAB/IORE Edition
Author: NMlurker

Most people travel to Narvik to experience life above the Arctic Circle or explore the city's history in World War II. I spent my entire free day in pursuit of iron ore trains. I was graciously and extensively briefed beforehand by TO member 'Sven' so I could make the most of my time. The main player in the iron ore game is the Swedish mining company LKAB. I would see six of their trains, two loads and four empties. Only one time did I see a repeat of the locomotive set.

1. An hour and 19 minutes after the departure of the morning Vy passenger train, the first LKAB train of the day was captured towards the east end of town. It was lead by the Abisko (#109) and the Vassijaure (#112).

2. I was surprised to see that the first several cars were backhauling something to Kiruna. Maybe limestone?

3. And then I was rewarded with the specially painted car No. 1000.

Date: 08/15/23 14:34
Re: Narvik, Norway By Day: LKAB/IORE Edition
Author: NMlurker

4. From the station platform we have another empty departing with the Råtsi (#122) and the Torneträsk (#108).

5. This was somewhat of a grab shot since I had just gotten back to this location at the east end of the station platform. Plus, the trains are very quiet coming downgrade into town. The loaded trains used the third main track. This train was led by the Sandskär (#126) and the Notviken (#134).

6. The weather actually brightened a bit revealing water and snow-covered mountains in the background not previously seen. This was a grab shot that I am quite happy with.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/15/23 14:52 by NMlurker.

Date: 08/15/23 14:45
Re: Narvik, Norway By Day: LKAB/IORE Edition
Author: NMlurker

7. The third empty of the day passes the train station behind the Kopparåsen (#133) and the Stordalen (#116).

8. Later in the afternoon the fourth empty rolls past the station with the repeat pair of the Notviken and Sandskär.

9. This going away shot shows some of the details of an ore car. I am guessing the yellow attachments on the trucks have something to do with the unloading process although they are very clean and free of scratches so maybe not. We were told that a car (presumably a drawbar-coupled pair) can be dumped in six seconds and the entire 68 car train dumped in just a few minutes.

Date: 08/15/23 14:50
Re: Narvik, Norway By Day: LKAB/IORE Edition
Author: NMlurker

10. The final LKAB train of the day and only the second loaded train of the day rolls into town on the third main track behind the Koskullskulle (#119) (my favorite name) and the Murjek (#118). The time was 7:21 PM on June 1, 2023.

Date: 08/15/23 20:55
Re: Narvik, Norway By Day: LKAB/IORE Edition
Author: boejoe

Nice series.

Date: 08/16/23 04:03
Re: Narvik, Norway By Day: LKAB/IORE Edition
Author: GPutz

Thanks for posting these nice pictures.  Narvic is a great place.  Gerry

Date: 08/16/23 04:19
Re: Narvik, Norway By Day: LKAB/IORE Edition
Author: 86235

GPutz Wrote:
> Thanks for posting these nice pictures.  Narvic
> is a great place.  Gerry

Seconded I loved Narvik when we were there, even got to see moose.

Date: 08/16/23 07:50
Re: Narvik, Norway By Day: LKAB/IORE Edition
Author: rbenko

Love those big burly motors!!

Date: 08/16/23 17:12
Re: Narvik, Norway By Day: LKAB/IORE Edition
Author: MP190

Very nice pics and descriptions!  Thanks for sharing. 

Date: 08/16/23 17:16
Re: Narvik, Norway By Day: LKAB/IORE Edition
Author: goneon66

rbenko Wrote:
> Love those big burly motors!!

i was thinking that too.  they sure look impressive..............


Date: 08/20/23 13:23
Re: Narvik, Norway By Day: LKAB/IORE Edition
Author: leon

Great photos, thank you.

I believe the return loads are clay for pelletizing the iron ore.

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