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European Railroad Discussion > JACOBITE - current loco assignments ?

Date: 08/19/23 13:30
JACOBITE - current loco assignments ?
Author: CCMF

44871, 45212, 45407 still up there ?

Also, recommendations for any forums discussing these things on FB or whatever ?


Bill Miller
Galt, ON

Date: 08/19/23 13:40
Re: JACOBITE - current loco assignments ?
Author: exhaustED

They do seem to be running again, morning services already, afternoon ones from tomorrow..

Date: 08/20/23 17:37
Re: JACOBITE - current loco assignments ?
Author: gbmott

I'm sorry the Great Marquess spent so short a period up there -- the (small) class was designed by Gresley specifically for the West Highland Line.


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