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European Railroad Discussion > On This Day One Year Ago: Fort William, Scotland

Date: 09/15/23 15:44
On This Day One Year Ago: Fort William, Scotland
Author: NMlurker

September 15, 2022 was the day I rode the Jacobite steam train from Fort William to Mallaig, images of which I have previously posted. But for completeness, here is a third type of DMU in use by ScotRail sitting in Fort William, Class 156, I think, possibly #156477. I can't tell the difference between the Class 153 and 156 DMUs but Wiki says ScotRail has only five Class 153s in service so Class 156s would be more likely. Two two-unit sets.

Date: 09/15/23 16:01
Re: On This Day One Year Ago: Fort William, Scotland
Author: SOO6617

Class 153 is a single unit DMU, while Class 156 is a permanently coupled pair.

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