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European Railroad Discussion > Ústí nad Labem at night

Date: 09/23/23 11:26
Ústí nad Labem at night
Author: 86235

Some footage of the sorts of trains which pass through Ústí nad Labem Hlavní Nádraží (Main Station) during the evening. Ústí is a major junction on the Prague to Dresden mainline.

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Date: 09/23/23 14:04
Re: Ústí nad Labem at night
Author: NMlurker

I see you got one of the solid white 'ghost-scheme' Siemens Vectron locomotives. I love that castle thing hovering up there in the darkness. I am looking forward to a brief visit to the Czech Republic next fall. Thanks for posting.

Date: 09/23/23 18:15
Re: Ústí nad Labem at night
Author: 1019X

Interesting video, thank you for posting. What time of night was this taken? It seemed that most of the passenger trains had few riders. I found it interesting that the second freight train had cars with lots of graffiti right next to open auto-racks. The European hoodlums must like to paint but not throw rocks. 

Date: 09/23/23 21:16
Re: Ústí nad Labem at night
Author: 86235

Taken after 9 p.m.

Date: 09/23/23 21:18
Re: Ústí nad Labem at night
Author: 86235

NMlurker Wrote:
> I see you got one of the solid white
> 'ghost-scheme' Siemens Vectron locomotives. I love
> that castle thing hovering up there in the
> darkness. I am looking forward to a brief visit to
> the Czech Republic next fall. Thanks for posting.

Leased Vectrons I think, reporting marks aren't CD. That's the Hotel Vetruse up on the hill, great place to watch trains.

Date: 09/24/23 00:13
Re: Ústí nad Labem at night
Author: 86235

1019X Wrote:
> The European hoodlums must like to
> paint but not throw rocks. 

That's generally true, as you can see there are no grills on locomotive windscreens or passenger car windows, but graffiti is, unfortunately, pretty widespread.

Date: 09/25/23 19:44
Re: Ústí nad Labem at night
Author: tomstp

Saw the rear of one freight train.  No "Fred's" on those trains??

Date: 09/26/23 07:58
Re: Ústí nad Labem at night
Author: 86235

tomstp Wrote:
> Saw the rear of one freight train.  No "Fred's"
> on those trains??

No, just marker lights.

Date: 10/16/23 05:13
Re: Ústí nad Labem at night
Author: Bunny218

Nice little video. Thanks for sharing.

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