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European Railroad Discussion > Eurostar to suspend Amsterdam to London direct service

Date: 11/30/23 07:07
Eurostar to suspend Amsterdam to London direct service
Author: Lackawanna484

due to construction at Centraal Station in Amsterdam which will make the passport facility inaccessible for about 12 months.

London bound passengers will be able to change to a direct train in Brussels, says the NY Times


Date: 12/03/23 20:17
Re: Eurostar to suspend Amsterdam to London direct service
Author: railstiesballast

I think that NYT article was mostly about how demand for High Speed trains has out-stripped supply, particularly on routes through the Chunnel.
Part of this is due to more complicated passport and border security after the Brexit vote, with added stress of the UK's inablilty to hire sufficient people to run their border checks, all made worse during and after Covid.
Additional train sets are also an issue.  Seimens, which built the Eurostar sets, it booked up for some years into the future.  Alstrom, Talgo and possibly other quite modern manufacturers would have to endure a years-long approval of their fire safety engineering to be acceptable to the Chunnel infrastructure operators, British and French.
Amsterdam is at least making an effort to expand their capacity.

Date: 12/10/23 09:01
Re: Eurostar to suspend Amsterdam to London direct service
Author: Latebeans

The London customs problems are another example of the UK shooting itself in the foot with their stupid Brexit move.

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