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European Railroad Discussion > Arriving at the end station

Date: 01/22/24 11:40
Arriving at the end station
Author: ApproachCircuit

Within a few minutes of arriving at any central european end terminal, there is someone from the crew checking on the car to see if anyone is still
aboard. They don't mess around; you cannot stall for whatever reason. The guy stands near you or very close by until you vacate the car. period.
Passengers in europe don't sit around after the train has stopped at the station either. If you did that, you would never get off. There is a flood of people
waiting to get on the very second the doors open. So people departing the train are already standing at the end of the car to get off. It is mostly orderly
but there are a few that have to fight the incoming crowd to get off.
The newer ICE's in Germany aren't that comfortable as the ealier ones. ICE 3's, the later versions and the 4's have rigid seatbacks. There is a small lever
below the seat which allows you to advance the seat cushion a few, 2 or 3 inches, and that is all. This is obviously a design tactic which the DB copied from
the airlines allowing a few more seats per car. There are/were complaints about the seatbacks not reclining but I don't know if DB is going to take any
action about the situation. But I can tell you for a long trip the seats become uncomfortable early on. I try to schedule myself on the earlier model ICE's
which are very comfortable.

Date: 01/23/24 07:20
Re: Arriving at the end station
Author: DutchDragon

Enjoy the original ICE interiors while you can. DB is refurbishing the ICE I trains with the same airline type seats you find on the other ICE trains. This change goes along with the new "dynamic pricing" that DB also copied from the airlines.

ApproachCircuit Wrote:
> Within a few minutes of arriving at any central
> european end terminal, there is someone from the
> crew checking on the car to see if anyone is
> still
> aboard. They don't mess around; you cannot stall
> for whatever reason. The guy stands near you or
> very close by until you vacate the car. period.
> Passengers in europe don't sit around after the
> train has stopped at the station either. If you
> did that, you would never get off. There is a
> flood of people
> waiting to get on the very second the doors open.
> So people departing the train are already standing
> at the end of the car to get off. It is mostly
> orderly
> but there are a few that have to fight the
> incoming crowd to get off.
> The newer ICE's in Germany aren't that comfortable
> as the ealier ones. ICE 3's, the later versions
> and the 4's have rigid seatbacks. There is a small
> lever
> below the seat which allows you to advance the
> seat cushion a few, 2 or 3 inches, and that is
> all. This is obviously a design tactic which the
> DB copied from
> the airlines allowing a few more seats per car.
> There are/were complaints about the seatbacks not
> reclining but I don't know if DB is going to take
> any
> action about the situation. But I can tell you for
> a long trip the seats become uncomfortable early
> on. I try to schedule myself on the earlier model
> ICE's
> which are very comfortable.

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