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European Railroad Discussion > Dual gauge track from Santa Ilogaia d'Alguema and Girona, Spain

Date: 02/13/24 15:05
Dual gauge track from Santa Ilogaia d'Alguema and Girona, Spain
Author: inCHI

I was browsing Open Railway Maps and came across this dual-guage curiosity north of Barcelona in Spain. I've found info saying that standard gauge container trains are running to the Port of Barcelona, and that appears to require the use of the high speed line from Barcelona to Girona. At that point, one main of the double track broad gauge original line is dual gauge until Santa Ilogaia d'Alguema, then the standard gauge cuts back in to the HSR line. The total distance of the dual gauge track is only about 35-40km. Several photos in this wikimedia gallery are on that segment in Girona: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Dual-gauge_rail_tracks_in_Spain

I'm just curious to see if anyone knows if traffic uses that HSR bypass segment, especially given that it is only a single track on the double track. Does it bypass steeper grades on the HSR route?

Date: 02/13/24 16:13
Re: Dual gauge track from Santa Ilogaia d'Alguema and Girona, Spa
Author: SOO6617

There is an Intermodal facility and large Industrial Park with multiple warehouses, including a Amazon fulfillment center at Vilamalla, just south of Santa Ilogaia d'Alguema, that is the reason for the dual gauge track. As for the number of trains I don't know.

Date: 02/14/24 19:57
Re: Dual gauge track from Santa Ilogaia d'Alguema and Girona, Spa
Author: inCHI

Thanks, that is interesting info. I might have a chance to be near it but I've yet to find any evidence the standard gauge is even used. So...not sure yet if it'll be worth the effort.

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