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European Railroad Discussion > Steam at Atocha Station, Madrid in 2002

Date: 04/07/24 13:02
Steam at Atocha Station, Madrid in 2002
Author: rbenko

Hey All:

Back on Sunday morning, May 12, 2002, while vacationing in Madrid, Spain with the wife and sister-in-law, I had a chance to do some fanning for a couple of hours.  Having limited time, I of course headed to Atocha station, the main station in Madrid.  Along with the usual local and long-distance trains, much to my surprise there was some sort of steam excursion getting ready to leave.  I quickly booked down one of the platforms to get a closer look and of course some pics.  After a few minutes, the excursion took off for points unknown (to me).

Question:  Can anyone fill in some information about this particular locomotive and excursion?  It must have been fairly 'regular', as I was the only one on the platform taking pictures of it leaving the station.  It had a diesel helper on the end, so it probably was towed back to the station after reaching its destination.

Anyway, even if you don't know the answers, here are a few shots of it for your enjoyment.  

Thanks for viewing.

Rob Benkovitz
West Palm Beach, Florida

Date: 04/07/24 14:04
Re: Steam at Atocha Station, Madrid in 2002
Author: 86235

This is what you saw, a standard RENFE Mikado.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/07/24 14:06 by 86235.

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