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European Railroad Discussion > A new steam loco

Date: 06/11/24 07:30
A new steam loco
Author: mile250

From Railway Gazette International online:
Farther along in the text: 
"While the UK locomotive market is relatively small, he [a rep for the company developing the loco] sees great potential in the US market."

Date: 06/11/24 07:35
Re: A new steam loco
Author: mile250

I wonder if it will be a condensing loco or whether railways will need to re-establish their water service divisions? Also, with every transformation of type, some energy is "wasted" to heat. I wonder how combustion/steam compares with fuel cells.
A few months ago there was also a report of a new stub switch (turnout) being developed in the UK.

Date: 06/11/24 15:42
Re: A new steam loco
Author: railstiesballast

A closed loop (condensing) steam turbine is far more efficient that a reciprocating (open exhaust) steam engine.
Makeup water will still be needed, including for flushing the boilers periodically, but nothing compared the the tow-behind tenders and great water tanks of the steam era.

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