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European Railroad Discussion > Some pictures from the French island Corsica

Date: 07/08/24 13:42
Some pictures from the French island Corsica
Author: rosenth

On the mediterean island corsicsa there is a beautiful railroad ("Camini di Ferru Di A Corsica" in the corse language, https://cf-corse.corsica/). The line forms kind of a Y with a total length of 230km (140 miles). The main trunk goes from Bastia to Ajaccio with a branch connecting the town ot Calvi with the station Ponte Leccia on the main line. Corsica has a lot of mountains (up to 7500 feet) and the line goes from sea level to 3000 feet. It's meter gauge with rather model diesel MU's. I rode the line from Calvi to Ponte Leccia and back, a very nice trip....


Date: 07/08/24 13:43
Re: Some pictures from the French island Corsica
Author: rosenth

Some more images

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Date: 07/08/24 14:22
Re: Some pictures from the French island Corsica
Author: exhaustED

Excellent shots. I can vouch for the beauty of Corsica... from its craggy mountainous interior to its stunning coastline, a really special place. I's be interested to know what locomotives are present, looks like at least a switcher/shunter or two!

Date: 07/08/24 15:25
Re: Some pictures from the French island Corsica
Author: Roadbed

Very interesting rail operation that if not for your post, I'd not know of its existence.  Thanks, and nice photos too!

Date: 07/08/24 17:59
Re: Some pictures from the French island Corsica
Author: tramfan

We stopped in Corsica while on a cruise in 2019. Our ship couldn't  tender in Monaco so the captain took us to Ajaccio, Corsica instead. The train station was about 1.4 km from the harbor so just a tad too far for the time we had ashore.

Date: 07/10/24 08:29
Re: Some pictures from the French island Corsica
Author: 1019X

Interesting photos of a place you don't hear much about. Is there much in the way of freight service on these lines?

Posted from Android

Date: 07/10/24 11:35
Re: Some pictures from the French island Corsica
Author: 86235

1019X Wrote:
> Interesting photos of a place you don't hear much
> about. Is there much in the way of freight service
> on these lines?
> Posted from Android

None at all, it's 100% passenger apart from the odd MoW working. It's a most beautiful railway, I first rode it nearly 40 years ago in 1985. These were taken at Ponte Leccia, where the Calvi branch joins the Bastia to Ajaccio north-south mainline. It hasn't changed that much in the intervening years.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 07/10/24 14:24 by 86235.

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