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European Railroad Discussion > Ferrovia Circumetnea: a NG railroad in Sicily

Date: 09/18/24 13:29
Ferrovia Circumetnea: a NG railroad in Sicily
Author: rosenth

I had the chance to ride the Circumetnea narrow gauge railroad in Sicily. It's the only remaining narrow gauge line in Sicily. It used to start in Catania and runs all around the active Mount Etna vulcano. At the Moment, it starts in Paterno, around 20 miles out of Catania because the track will be used by an extension of the Catania Metro (also the only subway in Sicily). There is a bus substitute from Catania to Paterno. The line is 950mm gauge (almost 3') and has only passenger traffic (mostly school kids and locals - very few tourists if any). The line climbs up to 3000' crossing impressive lava fields (sections the line has been several times destroyed by lava streams). There are some modern diesel DMU's called "Vulcano" and some older railcars. You have always to change the train at the middle station "Randazzo" where I got the best espresso ever. Here are some impressions... The fotos showing the train I took at Randazzo, the others out of the window of the running train.

Date: 09/18/24 13:33
Re: Ferrovia Circumetnea: a NG railroad in Sicily
Author: rosenth

Some more fotos

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Date: 09/18/24 13:34
Re: Ferrovia Circumetnea: a NG railroad in Sicily
Author: rosenth


Date: 09/18/24 18:01
Re: Ferrovia Circumetnea: a NG railroad in Sicily
Author: ironmtn

Very interesting - thanks.

Some time ago I came across a video of a trip on this line, and was quite taken by it. Both for my rail interest, and an interest in geology and particularly volcanoes. The volcanic fields in your images look like ash fall fields, including some quite large "bombs" (large boulders of heat-welded ash and volcanic tuff launched into the air by an eruption). Quite impressive.

I put a trip on this railway line on the bucket list. With these photos, it is a reminder to pay a visit. Thanks again for the coverage.


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 09/18/24 18:07 by ironmtn.

Date: 09/18/24 18:33
Re: Ferrovia Circumetnea: a NG railroad in Sicily
Author: boejoe

Neat.  I did not know Sicily had a rail line, let alone narrow gauge.

Date: 09/18/24 22:37
Re: Ferrovia Circumetnea: a NG railroad in Sicily
Author: railstiesballast

You learn something new every day, thanks for this news.

Date: 09/19/24 06:36
Re: Ferrovia Circumetnea: a NG railroad in Sicily
Author: symph1

boejoe Wrote:
> Neat.  I did not know Sicily had a rail line, let
> alone narrow gauge.
> jb

Indeed they do, with trains that are put on ferries over the straights of Messina.

Date: 09/19/24 07:28
Re: Ferrovia Circumetnea: a NG railroad in Sicily
Author: 1019X

Do they haul any freight?

Posted from Android

Date: 09/19/24 15:37
Re: Ferrovia Circumetnea: a NG railroad in Sicily
Author: 86235

1019X Wrote:
> Do they haul any freight?
> Posted from Android

On the ferry over the Straits of Messina? Yes

On the Circumetnea? No

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