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European Railroad Discussion > Historic trams, Gothenberg, Sweden

Date: 12/28/24 13:29
Historic trams, Gothenberg, Sweden
Author: symph1

I lucked out: 2 of their historic trams were running today as I was visiting. They ran from Central Station to the amusement park Liseberg and back, picking up amazed passengers along the way. Built in 1917, this car was used until the 1950s. Enjoy, and happy new year, all.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 12/28/24 13:39 by symph1.

Date: 12/28/24 13:31
Re: Historic trams, Gothenberg, Sweden
Author: symph1

And riding these was my wife's idea!

Date: 12/28/24 13:33
Re: Historic trams, Gothenberg, Sweden
Author: symph1

The conductor is a volunteer, works as a teacher. The operator works for the tram company as an electrician, but his work running this is volunteer. Photo 3: his left hand is on the speed control, his right on the brake. Reverser is in front of him, out of sight, as is the newer device to change the track switches ahead of the tram car.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/28/24 13:38 by symph1.

Date: 12/29/24 05:05
Re: Historic trams, Gothenberg, Sweden
Author: 86235

Nice set, thanks

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