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European Railroad Discussion > A visit to Shildon and Buda velocipedes

Date: 01/17/25 09:50
A visit to Shildon and Buda velocipedes
Author: 3rdboxcar

I had not been to the NRM's Locomotion at Shildon since they had opened their new hall.
Waiting for my train to Darlington, GBRF 60095 "Whernside" passed through York station with 6H12 Tyne Dock to Drax power station with woodchip pellets, more than likely from a forest in the USA.
Northern Rail 156447 approaching Shildon station.
Line up of stock in the main shed. L to R Class 71 Electro Diesel, Class 306 Shenfield EMU, prototype APT, prototype HST, prototype railcar [LEV1]


Date: 01/17/25 09:53
Re: A visit to Shildon and Buda velocipedes
Author: 3rdboxcar

There are 2 Buda velocipedes at Shildon.
On the way home at Darlington DB 66168 with 4E96 Mossend to Tees Dock

Date: 01/17/25 09:54
Re: A visit to Shildon and Buda velocipedes
Author: 3rdboxcar

Darlington Station is in the middle of a big rebuilding project, a platform is being added to the main running lines to reduce the time wasting mov into the main station which sits adjacent to the main running lines.
LNER class 801 "Azuma" waiting for the Green to continue to London KX

Date: 01/17/25 09:54
Re: A visit to Shildon and Buda velocipedes
Author: exhaustED

The woodchips are from Canada i believe.

That class 60 was built in the UK as a response to the excellent performance which had been seen recently from imported EMD products...

Glad you got some classic British blue sky... ;-)

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 01/17/25 09:56 by exhaustED.

Date: 01/17/25 10:46
Re: A visit to Shildon and Buda velocipedes
Author: 3rdboxcar

juust under 70% of Drax wood pellets come from USA [Southern states], 12% from Canada mainly BC, the rest from the Baltics. The US take is expanding into California and Washington state. A complete farce.

The class 60's entered service in 1990, the first class 66 arrived in the UK about 8 years later. 

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/17/25 11:29 by 3rdboxcar.

Date: 01/17/25 12:57
Re: A visit to Shildon and Buda velocipedes
Author: 86235

That 71, E5001, is a straight electric.

Date: 01/17/25 15:09
Re: A visit to Shildon and Buda velocipedes
Author: exhaustED

3rdboxcar Wrote:
> The class 60's entered service in 1990, the first
> class 66 arrived in the UK about 8 years later. 

The class 59s (predecessors to the 66s) arrived in 1985... 5 years earlier than the 60's introduction...

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 01/19/25 06:06 by exhaustED.

Date: 01/18/25 10:16
Re: A visit to Shildon and Buda velocipedes
Author: 3rdboxcar

86235 Wrote:
> That 71, E5001, is a straight electric.

Correct, must have had a brain malfunction!

Date: 01/19/25 01:39
Re: A visit to Shildon and Buda velocipedes
Author: 55002

Taken on Thursday Jan 16th, here's 60095 leaving Drax power station with the empty biomass back to Tyne. chris uk.

Date: 01/19/25 10:16
Re: A visit to Shildon and Buda velocipedes
Author: webmaster

The UK loves its velocipedes.  They have a club that rides machines over various railroads in the country:



Todd Clark
Canyon Country, CA

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