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European Railroad Discussion > PBS Epic Train Journeys

Date: 01/25/25 06:45
PBS Epic Train Journeys
Author: colehour

I just watched one of the episodes in this series, on the Glacier Express in Switzerland. It is beautifully filmed and shows a lot of behind the scenes footage. The dining car gets stocked enroute, snow is cleared with a rotary plow, how the cog rail section works, and a helicopter dropping explosives to create preventive avalanches. The Swiss approach to railroading is quite impressive, as expected. 
For someone with a background in German, it's also fun listening to the Swiss German, although many of the Swiss in the video speak English and Standard German. 
I believe that the series is open to subscribers (Passport) but becoming a subscriber involves only a small donation. (I pay $10/mo). I also have access to four PBS stations in addition to my primary station. 

Date: 02/04/25 10:34
Re: PBS Epic Train Journeys
Author: PumpkinHogger

Have been watching the companion series "Epic Train Journeys From Above." Pretty well done, even while laced with continuity and factual errors.

The most annoying aspect of the show - typical of any mass-market TV presentation on railways - is whenever maintenance of way folk are doing their thing: "will they finish the repairs in time?!"

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/04/25 15:37 by PumpkinHogger.

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