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European Railroad Discussion > Les Arcs funicular

Date: 01/26/25 17:29
Les Arcs funicular
Author: symph1

Les Arcs is a ski area in the French Alps, above Bourg Ste. Maurice. To get up to the base, there's this funicular, running from by the train station to halfway up the mountain.

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Date: 01/26/25 17:30
Re: Les Arcs funicular
Author: symph1

And some still pics.

Date: 01/26/25 17:38
Re: Les Arcs funicular
Author: symph1

The lovely old Bourg Sainte Maurice station. The funi station is behind me and to the right.The new SNCF station is on the right of the top picture.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/26/25 17:40 by symph1.

Date: 01/26/25 17:42
Re: Les Arcs funicular
Author: symph1

A regional train about to leave. B.St.M. is at the end of a mountain branch, quite close to the Italian and Swiss borders.

Date: 01/26/25 19:45
Re: Les Arcs funicular
Author: NMlurker

Neat. That is quite the funicular. I will have to look up this location in my European rail atlas. Hmm, I see Bourg-St.Maurice but not enough detail to show the funicular.

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